Customer Site Specific Emails


For sites using multiple customer sites a process is in place to allow different email settings per customer site and per email. This currently needs to be enabled by CIMcloud and the site migrated to this new process. The current plan is for this to be the process for all sites in the future no mater if there are multiple customer sites or not. If you would like to use this process please contact CIMcloud via an extranet ticket.

If unsure if you currently have this process installed, navigate to one of you customer sites records. If you have this process installed you will see an tab labeled “Emails” as noted in this screenshot:

System Emails Customer Site Specific Emails Customer Site Email Menu

This process allows you to set specific values per customer site and per email for:

From Name

From Address





For each one of these values (From Name, From Address,….) the system will look to see if there is an email specific value (order confirmation, contact us, password reset,…) for the specific site. If there is a value it will us that. If nothing is populated it will look for an email specific setting for overall (all sites). Specifically for the From Name and From Address, you can set customer site and/or overall values to be used on on all the email or all the emails on a specific site. An individual email can be set to override these overall values.

If you want most of your emails to be sent from XYZ Company (, then you would set this as the overall default. If you wanted a specific email like the order confirmation email to be sent from XYZ Sales ( then you would set that specific email on the desired customer site for those value. All other emails you do not specifically override will still come from XYZ Company (


  1. From Name – This is the value that appears at the top of the email as the sent from
  2. From Address – this needs to be a valid email address and be associated with one of the domains the emails on your site are being associated with.
  3. Subject Line – This is the subject line of the email. You are able to update this and this can use tag replacements. Tag replacements allow specific values that have been configured to to appear as part of the subject line. These are formatted with <>. For example the standard Order Confirmation subject line is Order Confirmation for Order Number <c_ordnum>. This is using tag replacement for the order number so when the email is actually generated you will see the actual order number instead of <c_ordnum>. There is currently a very limited list of available fields per email for tag replacement and most are already built into the standard email subject lines.
  4. CC Addresses – this will add the email addresses entered here as a CC on all of this specific email. If you want a specific person or inbox to receive copies of all order confirmation emails and want the recipients to see these then enter the email address(es) in this field. If entering multiple values then enter as semicolon delimited.
  5. BCC Addresses– this will add the email addresses entered here as a BCC on all of this specific email. If you want a specific person or inbox to receive copies of all order confirmation emails and want the recipients to not see these then enter the email address(es) in this field. If entering multiple values then enter as semicolon delimited.
  6. To Address – is on the page but currently this is not something you can override. This will be coming soon.

System Emails Customer Site Specific Emails Email Fields

Setting Values

When the customer site email option is enables as noted above you will have a new tab for Emails under customer sites. When you navigate to this you will see a page with two tabs at the top. One is for Customer Site Settings and the other for Overall Settings.

Under each you will see options at the top for the two From settings. Below these are the specific emails where you can populate the values for specific emails. The fields will show the current values being used for the specific email. You will not see the button to save a specific change until you start putting in or changing a value.

System Emails Customer Site Specific Emails Cusotmer Site Email Screen

  1. Customer Site – this is the specific customer site record being edited
  2. Email tab –  This is the email tab to see these settings
  3. Overall Settings tab – This is where you can go to see settings for emails to apply to all sites (unless overridden at a lower level). You will see these same values when navigating to any customer site. This tab will look just like the Customers Sites Settings tab shown.
  4. Customer Site Settings tab – These are the values that will apply to this specific customer site.
  5. From Settings – These are values to apply to all emails on this customer site unless set differently on a specific email
  6. Message Specific Settings – In this case the Abandoned Cart email was selected to expand to see the available fields. The two From fields and the Subject Line show the current values being used for this site and this email. They are slightly greyed out and when selected you can only type over them and not edit them because these are defaulting from higher levels. The From fields are set specific for this site and the Subject Line is defaulted from the Overall Settings. If the values were set for this specific site and email you would be able to edit the value.
  7. Save – This is showing because a value has started to be typed into one of the fields for this email.



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