Expert Help Packages


This article includes details on the three (3) Expert Help labor packages that are available to assist your Project or Program team when evaluating, planning, or implementing new Projects involving your CIMcloud platform.

Audience for This Article

This article is intended for CIMcloud customers and implementation partners.  This particularly useful for these roles (filled by customers and partners).

  • Program Roles: Program Manager, Lead Solver
  • Project Roles: Lead Project Manager, Lead Solvers, and Lead Implementer

Prerequisite Information

This article uses terminology (and roles or “hats”) from the 3PS Framework (an Ecommerce Success Playbook built from over 20 years and 1,000’s of projects involving B2B and/or DTC Ecommerce w/ ERP integration).

When These Labor Packages Apply

These labor packages are either required or optionally available with:

  • Your Initial Project: Implementing the CIMcloud platform to get through your live rollout.
  • Upgrade Projects: Engaging in upgrade projects, including
    • i) software upgrades (i.e.  implementing newly purchased or previously idle add-on bundles),
    • ii) ERP switches (changing / replatforming the ERP platform that CIMcloud syncs with),
    • iii) large or complex CIMcloud version updates (most commonly when you have complex customizations or 3rd party integrations)
  • Active Programs: Ongoing help with customers that are consistently evaluating, planning/designing, estimating, and green-lighting new projects to evolve their Ecommerce capabilities (to allow customers to self-service for more things) and adoption levels (to get new customers and/or  keep & grow existing customers).

The Labor Package Options

We have three labor package options.  All three labor packages include a designated contact (skills level varies) and unlimited Implementation Support via our ticketing system (which is served by our implementation support team).

  • Skill Level 1: Advocate
  • Skill Level 2: Guide
  • Skill Level 3: Consultant

The following provides more details each of the Skill levels.

1: Advocate

  • Skill Level:
    • 1 (lowest)
  • Description:
    • An advocate / account manager is available to 1) point you to the self-service resources you need, 2) make introductions to Expert Help if you need it, 3) address any commercial or relationship concerns you have, and 4) provide estimates / pricing on any additional products or services you need. Advocates do not have advanced product implementation knowledge and do not access / log into your Worker Portal aside from the initial Onboarding Call to review the workspaces.
  • Implementation Support:
    • Included
  • 3PS Roles They Can Fill (on your self-service project):
    • CIMcloud Representative (Support & Success Services)
  • Engagement Level Options (impacts the monthly cap on hours)
    • 5 hours / month
    • If you require additional engagement (above 5 hours / month), you will need to upgrade to the 2: Guide or 3: Consultant

2: Guide

  • Skill Level:
    • 2 (mid)
  • Description:
    • A Guide is available to help on your Project team. Guides have deep domain knowledge on standard features in CIMcloud, but do not have developer-level access. They can provide your Project Manager and Project Planner with guidance in tailoring and executing your project plan. They can coach & assist directly in the CIMcloud Work Portal with setup and configuration in the CRM, Product, Content, and Settings Workspaces. Guides do not have solution-architecting skills or developer-level skills, and they do not access the Dev Tools Workspace (including ERP configurations and mappings) in your Worker Portal.
  • Implementation Support:
    • Included
  • 3PS Roles They Can Fill (on your self-service project or active program):
    • CIMcloud Expert Help (Settings, Product, Content)
    • Project Success / Advocate (Account Manager)
  • Engagement Level Options (impacts the monthly cap on hours)
    • 1 Unit: 10 hours / month
    • 2 Units: 20 hours / month
    • If you require additional engagement (above 2 Units), you will need to upgrade to the 3: Consultant.

3: Consultant

  • Skill Level:
    • 3 (highest)
  • Description:
    • A Consultant is available to help on your Project team. Consultants have deep domain knowledge on standard features in CIMcloud and have developer-level access and knowledge of the CIMcloud platform and ERP sync configurations and framework. Consultants can help with solution architecting and all levels of implementation work.
  • Implementation Support:
    • Included
  • 3PS Roles They Can Fill (on your self-service project or active program):
    • Assistant Solver (CIMcloud / Ecom): Solution Architect
    • CIMcloud Expert Help (Settings, Product, Content)
    • CIMcloud Expert Help (Dev Tools, ERP Integration, Customizations)
    • Customizations Project(s) Coordinator / Lead Consultant
    • Customizations Project(s) Planner
    • Assistant Solver (CIMcloud / Ecom): Solution Architect
  • Engagement Level Options (impacts the monthly cap on hours)
    • 1 Unit: 10 hours / month
    • 2 Units: 20 hours / month
    • 3 Units: 30 hours / month
    • 4 Units: 40 hours / month
    • 5 Units: 50 hours / month
    • 6 Units: 60 hours / month










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