Data dictionary for user records:
- a_id = account ID (from ERP) attached to user
- accounts_vir = Worker account restrictions, by account ID
- authorized_rep_codes = Worker account restrictions, by ERP salesperson ID
- c_add1,2 = user street addresses
- c_city = user city
- c_em = user email
- c_f_nm = user first name
- c_l_nm = user last name
- c_phone = user telephone number
- c_state = user state
- c_zip = user postal code
- change_pw = force user to change password (True,False)
- pw = user password (enter as plain text)
- user_rights_vir = rights settings to restrict Worker actions (Must be an existing right on site)
- username = login name
- accounts_query_type = Worker access filter method (My-acct, rep, or all)
- Send_pw_email = send user link if change_pw = TRUE
Import process notes:
- Remove any records or columns with no changes to avoid overwriting valid data on the site
- Save the file in comma-delimited (*.CSV) format (*.xlsx is not valid)
- Import using instructions in CIMcloud 2.0-Customers-Import New Users
- Results and/or errors will display on the page at completion of import