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Public Catalog with B2B Self-Service Portal


A Public Catalog allows anonymous user to browse and search your online product catalog, including accessing product descriptions, images, document downloads, etc.  They can also optionally access retail / public pricing.  Anonymous users can NOT add products to a shopping cart or place orders on the public catalog.

Customer Sites Public Catalog with B2B Self-Service Portal Public Catalog


Public Catalog describes a CIMcloud customer site that:

  • Is public-facing, allowing anonymous users to access your product catalog and general content
  • May serve as your corporate website
  • Is largely focused on the presentation of the product catalog
    • It typically includes a keyword search, featured products, product categories, etc
    • It can show no pricing or a standard retail price
    • It can show inventory availability (inventory bundle is required)
  • Does NOT include a public-facing shopping cart
  • May contain public-facing content pages (like About Us, Locations, Policies, etc)
  • May contain a contact us form (that collects, logs, and email the information submitted)
  • Has a link for existing customers to login and access a B2B Portal (and all of it’s features)
  • May contain the ability for new customers to apply for an account (but typically has a human approval process for them to then access the B2B Portal)
  • May contain the ability for existing customers to create a login and attach it to their existing account (by using their account number and a recent invoice number and total)


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