DM2 Notifications Bundle Setup


The below information provides further details on steps that must be taken for CIMcloud / DM2 (PDI) customers wanting to leverage the DM2 Notifications Bundle.

How it Works

DM2 notifications are initially setup by DM2 (PDI) using their Weblink software to:

  1. Generate PDFs of history data on a customer’s server
  2. Send data to CIMCloud containing the PDF location and other informational data related to the PDF, such as:
    1. Account Number
    2. Description
    3. PDF Location on customer’s server
    4. PDF type
    5. Creation Date

All PDF generation and storage is handled by DM2 (PDI).  CIMCloud only provides the method to accept data to our servers from DM2’s (PDI’s) Weblink software sending the data.

Customer Steps to Complete Set Up

If you have purchased the DM2 Notifications bundle, please enter a task into Extranet with the following information:

  • Notify CIMcloud you have purchased the DM2 Notification Bundle
  • Whether weblink software is ready for testing, or a date of when the Weblink software should be setup/ready for testing
  • All IP addresses of servers POSTing data to our servers related to this bundle

CIMcloud will then respond with:

  • A URL for DM2 to send Notification data

CIMCloud Set Up Overview

DM2 (PDI) sends data through a URL hosted by CIMcloud.  CIMcloud is responsible for the following:

  • Creating a URL on the customer’s CIMcloud server to POST data to
  • Whitelisting IP Addresses where DM2 (PDI) is sending the data from
    • This is so that customer’s servers are not blocked by CIMcloud’s firewalls when sending data

CIMCloud is in the process of building an interface for customer’s to control this information.  In the meantime, customer’s will need create a task in Extranet to notify CIMCloud once the weblink software is ready to start testing.

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