We have had multiple sites reporting order or payment failures importing into Sage due to an error similar to : “BOI ‘AR_CustomerCreditCard_Bus’ failed. Error: ‘Module I/T is not on file.” This has been found to most often be related to a recent install of a new Sage version on the same server in preparation for a Sage upgrade. The particular issue seems to only occur when a new credit card record needs to be created in Sage. At this time we have not found a way to prevent these failures while the upgrade is in progress. Once the upgrade is complete the issue has been resolved so far.
This article is to let you know of the potential issue and actions that have helped to this point in some cases. At this time it is recommended if possible to do the new Sage install on a different server to prevent this issue from occurring.
Potential Steps to Resolve Error
- Try and re-export the order or payment to see if this was just a temporary issue with calling the business object.
- Reboot ERP services and try and re-export the order or payment. Steps on rebooting services can be found here – ERP Driver Sync Tool “Reboot” Steps
- Run a Sage utility to re-register dlls. Utility: RegCom.bat as found in this article https://support.na.sage.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=20075&sliceId=1 . It is recommended that you contact your VAR to assist with this process.
- Complete Sage Upgrade
- Undo install by running Workstation Set-up Utility for the previous version of Sage that is currently live.