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  4. Review Data Synced From Sage to CIMcloud

Review Data Synced From Sage to CIMcloud


The video walks you through where you can go to review the major data entities (customers, addresses, products, sales orders, invoices, etc) synced from your Sage 100 system to the CIMcloud platform.  Reviewing this data allows you to get generally acquainted with the CIMcloud platform and allows you to validate that the data is syncing correctly.

Video Overview

Topics Covered

The above video mentions (and shows) these major data entities that are typically synced to CIMcloud from your Sage ERP system.

  • Accounts
    • Manage
    • Add-Edit
  • Shipping Addresses
    • Manage
    • Add-Edit
  • Sales Orders
    • Manage
    • Detail
  • Backorders
    • Manage
  • Shipments
    • Manage (explain tracking #s)
  • Invoices
    • Manage
    • Raw Data
    • Detail (pay, details, shipments, payments)
  • Payments
    • Manage
  • Credits
    • Manage
  • Products
    • Manage (raw data)
    • Add-Edit (list of fields typically synced)
  • Pricing (Overrides)
    • Manage (explanation of levels 1, 2, 3)
  • Tax Settings
    • Manage Tax Schedules
    • Manage Tax Codes
    • Manage Tax Rates



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