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  4. CIMCloud Data Limits – Recommendations for Stability and Performance

CIMCloud Data Limits – Recommendations for Stability and Performance


This article will cover the limits that are supported and what we recommend setting within your site’s configuration.  Exceeding these limits beyond the recommended limit can have a negative impact on site performance and user experience, which may require professional services/billable time to adjust.


Results Per Page

  • Supported Limit: 56 items per page
  • Recommended Limit: 28 items per page

Bulk Add to Cart

  • Supported Limit: No Max
  • Recommended Limit: 100 lines at a time*

Order Details

  • Supported Limit: 200 Detail Lines per Order
  • Recommended Limit: 50 Detail Lines per Order

Parent-Child Variants

  • Supported Limit: 6 variants per parent product
  • Recommended Limit: 4 variants per parent product

Searching Child Data (on Products)

  • Supported Limit: 900 mapping records
    • Mapping records are each variant combination attached to a parent

Products Invoiced (Sum of Qty) Page (threshold for timeouts on products_invoiced_detail.asp)

  • Supported Limit: No Max
  • Recommended Limit: 200k Invoiced Detail Lines

Importing Spreadsheets

  • Supported Limit: 10,000
    • Depends on the number of columns per spreadsheet, where timeouts will occur. There is a hard limit and the system will not process over 10,000 records at one time.
  • Recommended Limit: 2,000 records per spreadsheet


  • Supported Limit: No Max
  • Recommended Limit: 50000 static files
    • Exceeding this value will require professional services to setup a sitemap index file

Split Orders

  • Supported Limit: No Max
  • Recommended Limit: 50 split orders

Quantity Price Breaks

  • Supported Limit: 10 Quantity Price Break Levels

Top-Level Categories

  • Recommended Limit: 15 Top-Level Categories

Category Depth

  • Recommended Limit: 3 Sub-categories

Faceted Search – Search Groups

  • Recommended Limit: 8 Search Groups (displayed per page)

Faceted Search – Search Terms Per Search Group

  • Recommended Limit: 20 Search Terms per Search Group


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