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  4. Workers and Worker Groups Overview

Workers and Worker Groups Overview


This provides and overview of Workers, Account Filters (for Workers), and Worker Groups in the CIMcloud Worker Portal.

  • Workers are people that have login access to your CIMcloud Worker Portal.
  • The Account Filter (also called “Accounts Query Type”) allows you to give access to some or all of your customers (and their data) to each worker login.
  • Worker Groups allow you to package together features and abilities and assign them to Workers.

Video Overview


Workers are people that have login access to your CIMcloud Worker Portal.  Workers can be created, edited, and disabled in Settings Workspace > Workers.  Each Worker login can be set up to allow access to:

  • Some or all of the Workspaces (CRM, Product, Content, Settings, and Help) in the Worker Portal (this is handled via Worker Groups).
  • Some or all of the features within each Workspace (this is handled via Worker Groups).
  • Some or all of your customers and their account and transaction data (this is handled via the Account Filter also called the “Accounts Query Type”).

Customer Account Filter (also called Accounts Query Type)

For context, we call your customers “Accounts” in CIMcloud.  This is true whether you sell to individual consumers or companies.  The person or people you interact with at those accounts are called “Contacts” in CIMcloud.  Click here for an overview of the Customers section in the CRM Workspace.

Customer Account Filters (also called “Accounts Query Type”)  is the tool you use to determine which of your customer accounts (and their associated account and transaction data) each worker login can see.

Worker Groups

Worker Groups – allow you to package together features and abilities, from entire Workspaces to specific features within a Workspace, and assign them to Workers.

  • CIMcloud comes with some preconfigured Worker Groups (you can use them or disable them)
  • You can also create your own Worker Groups

The following articles provide additional context and instructions related to worker logins.

Video with More Details

Topics Covered

The above video provides a quick walk-through of the following areas in the worker portal.

  • Workers
    • Manage
    • Add-Edit
  • Worker Groups
    • Manage
    • Add-Edit (general, features, members)
  • Workspaces (very quick overview)
    • CRM
    • Product
    • Content (pages, links, seo settings)
    • Settings

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