Creating Workers

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Select the Settings workspace icon from the menu bar
  2. Select the Workers link from the Workers drop-down menu
  3. Selecting the “+” next to the link or the + Add Worker button at top of the page to add a record
    1. The required fields on the form are indicated by an asterisk after the field label
  4. If a password is temporary, set Force user to change the password on next login to yes
  5. The authorized tasks for a worker are assigned by the Worker Rights section
    1. Assign rights by moving from the “available” to the “selected worker rights” panel
  6. Use the Accounts this Worker is Authorized to See section, Account Query Type to filter access to accounts
    1. Accounts with rep code match set access based on  the ERP salesperson code
    2. Show All Accounts enables access to all customer accounts.
    3. Matching Account/A_ID restricts access to the platform owner’s account


Worker(s) are created with permissions to access workspaces appropriate to their job assignments. Worker(s) are able to log in and access functions on the platform.

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