Manage Workers


Workers are users with extended permissions for the website, usually employees of the platform owner.  The rights assigned to the worker determines their ability to manage other workers.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Sign on to the website
  2. Select the Settings Workspace and the Workers menu
  3. Select the Worker task from the menu drop-list
  4. Worker records will display on the page to the right
    • Note – A list of existing Worker records can be exported as a *.CSV file by selecting the wrench icon on the upper right of the page.  Toggle the filter (funnel icon) to filter display to active, disabled, or both types of records
  5. Select the Worker record to edit
    • Note – Use the search field to quickly locate a Worker record by first/last name, username, or account.  Use the Password link on the right side of the line to quickly change the password
  6. Use the radio buttons at top of the page to disable the user record
  7. Select the Edit link on the right side of the line to open the add-edit page
  8. Edit fields and select Save Worker at bottom of the page

CIMcloud 2.0 user classifications defined


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