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  4. Setting up Carriers for Shipment Tracking

Setting up Carriers for Shipment Tracking

A worker has the ability to set up different shipment carriers by entering in the proper shipping carrier credentials in the worker portal.  The supported carriers the CIMcloud Application supports are:

  • UPS
  • FedEx
  • DHL
  • USPS

Once the shipment carrier(s) are set up, the worker will be able to view the shipment tracking information for the shipment carrier that was configured.

Step-by-Step Process:

To add or modify new shipping credentials, the worker will navigate to:

Settings Workspace →  Shipping →  Shipment Carriers

Navigating here will bring the worker to the Shipment Carriers Manage Page.  Clicking the ‘Edit’ link under the Actions column will allow the worker to modify the desired shipment carrier.

Clicking the ‘+’ icon next to ‘Shipment Carriers’ will allow the worker to create the criteria for a new shipment carrier.

On the Shipment Carrier Add / Edit Page, the worker will enter the credentials for the shipment carrier.

Reference ID:

The Reference ID field is used for internal purposes to easily track the shipment carrier on the Shipment Carriers Manage Page.  This field can be any combination of characters, but must be unique for each shipment carrier.

ERP Ship Via Code:

The ERP Ship Via Code is the value set in your ERP system for this shipping method.  This needs to be an exact match.


The worker will select the desired carrier from the drop down list.

Display in Cart:

This essentially enables the carrier and will allow the associated shipping accounts to have access to the shipping carrier when checking out.

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