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Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP)


As of CIMCloud version 2022.R1.5 (4.5.0) what was previously handled as Base package has been broken out into different purchased modules. This is just a labeling change and does no impact feature availability to new or existing customers. Configurations now contained in these bundles were previously configured behind the scenes. Base package is now just those features needed to to handle data passthrough from a non-CIMcloud website to the customer ERP system. This bundle adds the those features necessary to have a customer facing AR portal where customers can see order and invoice history and pay invoices that can then sync to the ERP as cash receipts. This bundle does not include a product catalog or the ability to create quotes and/or orders.

Application Feature Summary

These features are available when Purchased Module Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces is enabled for the site and the feature is applied to a user through Application Settings, Customer Site Settings, or a Customer Group.


Allow Users to Pay Invoices – This feature allows users to pay invoices through the website. Specific on this process cab be found here: Pay Invoices Online – Credit Card & ACH . Details on how invoices payments are imported in Sage100 can be found here: Cash Receipt Creation in Sage 100 .

Show Browser Support Messaging to Users on Unsupported Browser Versions – This feature enables messaging that displays to all users who visit the CIMcloud portal or customer site using browsers that are loosing support. Currently this will display for users using IE11 or earlier.

  • Browser Support Message Position – This setting allows you to determine the position of the support warning message. The message only displays when the browser detected has been flagged as not being supported.

Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Browser Support Message

Show Freight/Shipping on Invoice Detail Summary – This feature turns on the display of Freight/Shipping on the invoice detail page. This displays as a separate line in the Invoice Dates and Totals section at the top of the page.

  • Invoice Detail Freight Label – This is the display label for the freight line in the Invoice Dates and Totals section of the invoice detail page.

Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Freight Invoice Detail

Show Invoices in Menu – This feature turns on links to invoice pages on the customer site(s). This includes Invoices, Open Invoices, Paid Invoices, My Statement, Products Invoices (Detail), and Products Invoiced (Sum of Qty). It also controls if invoice sections show on the sales order and shipments pages.

  • Show Invoice Number as link on Shipments page? – Use this option to control whether the Invoice Number on the Shipments page links to the Invoice Detail page for that invoice number.

Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Invoice Link Shipment

  • Show Invoice Number as link on Sales Orders page? – Use this option to control whether the Invoice Number on the Sales Orders page links to the Invoice Detail page for that invoice number.

Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Invoice Link Detail Page


Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Show Invoice Settings


Show Orders & Shipments in Menu – This feature turns on links to sales order and shipment pages on the customer site(s).
Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Order Ship Links
Show Payments & Credits in Menu – This feature turns on links to sales payments and credit pages on the customer site(s).
Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Menu Payments And Credits
Use Terms Discount Display on Invoices –  This feature turns on the display and use of early payment terms discounts on the site front. These are invoice discounts synced from the ERP for paying an invoice by a certain time and based on the terms applied to the invoice. A typical example would be 2% 10 Days, Net 30 where if an invoice is paid within 10 days they get a 2% discount and the balance is due in 30 days outside of this discount. Values for the discount amount, discount rate, and discount due date are synced to the invoice record. Discounts will display on the invoice detail page and a message displays with the total with the revised amount and due date if on or before the discount date. When paying an invoice on the site the discount amount will also show with a message and the discounted amount will default if on or before the discount date.
  • Invoice Detail Discount Label – This is the display label for the discount line in the Invoice Dates and Totals section of the invoice detail page.

Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Invoice Discount

Customer Data

Allow visitors to create a new account – This feature and the feature settings associated with this feature and reviewed in detail in this article – New Account and Contact Creation

Allow billing address edits – This feature controls the ability of users on the customer site being able to edit their billing address. If users are able to edit their billing address , any changes will only sync to the ERP with the next sales order for that account.

Allow new shipping address adds – This feature controls the ability of customer site users being able to add a shipping address to their account. Any new shipping addresses will only sync to the ERP if used on a sales order that syncs to the ERP. It should be noted that allowing users to add new shipping addresses can impact sales tax calculations as new addresses do not have tax schedules synced from the ERP. If allowing new shipping addresses you will likely want to set up the appropriate tax schedules to apply to anonymous where you collect sales tax. See this article for more on how taxes are calculated on the website – Sales Tax Calculations Overview (The Basics)

Allow shipping address edits – This feature controls the ability of a customer site users being able to edit existing shipping addresses. Allowing users to edit shipping addresses can have tax implications as when users edit their address it does not impact the tax schedule associated with the address. If they change the address such that it changes the taxing authority for the address it will still have the old tax schedule associated so may incorrectly apply the tax schedule. See this article for more on how taxes are calculated on the website – Sales Tax Calculations Overview (The Basics)

Allow visitors to create a new user for an existing account – This feature enables a link that allows users to create a user and tie it to an existing account. Detail on this process can be found here – New Account and Contact Creation

  • Create Contact Link Text – This controls the link text that shows on the sign-in pop-up/page

Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Create Login Text

  • Auto-Login new contacts after creation – If this is enabled once the user creates the new login it logs the user into the site associated with the account they just linked to.
  • Confirmation Text to show if Auto-Login is disabled. – If you are not automatically logging in the user and wanting them to login, this is the confirmation text that shows when they have successfully created the login.

Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Create Login Confirm Text

Set Overrides For Account Number Prefix – When accounts are created on the website the standard is the the account to be in division 00 and the account number to be a letter followed by a 6 digit number (for example W000001). The number is based on an incremental counter on the record created. This counter can be impacted by records synced from the ERP so accounts created on the website will not necessarily by sequential. Unless overridden the default letter is a W. This allows you to set something other than a W as the starting letter. Accounts can be created in two locations depending on what bundles are enabled on a site. This allows you to set different values for the different locations as desired.
  • Account Prefix for Accounts Created with Create Account Form (create_login_and_account.asp) – This allows you to override the starting letter on accounts created through the page create_login_and_account.asp. This is the option associated with the feature Allow visitors to create a new account above.
  • Account Prefix for Accounts Created at Checkout (account.asp) – This allows you to override the starting letter for new accounts created during the checkout process for those sites which allow account creation during the checkout process.

Show Shipping Addresses in Menu – This feature controls if shipping addresses show in the customer site menu and if the default shipping address field shows on the contact record. If this field is populated on a contact this address will be the default address for any new order records.

Workspace Feature Summary

The following features are associated with this module and can be applied to the worker portal or specific users in the worker portal.

Access Content Workspace – This feature allows access to the Content workspace. More information on the Content Workspace can be found here – Content Workspace Overview
Access CRM Workspace – This feature allows access to the CRM workspace. More information on the CRM Workspace can be found here – CRM Workspace Overview
Access Saved Credit Card Records and Transactions – CIMcloud does not store full credit card information ever. This feature allows workers to access the credit card transaction records with the limited information sent to the gateway processors and the gateway response. It also controls access to the worker saved credit card page with the limited information on the saved card that is tied to the gateway vault information. This also includes transaction and bank account records for ACH transactions.
Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Worker Cc Pages
Allow Account Edits – This feature allows worker access to edit account information in the worker portal
Allow Address Adds/Edits – This feature allows worker access to add and edit addresses in the worker portal. As noted above adding and editing address can impact taxing if taxing has not been configured to handle new addresses and this should be taken into account when allowing access to add and edit addresses.
Allow Customer Adds/Edits – This feature allows workers to add and edit customers (contacts) in the worker portal
Allow Worker Access to Customer Groups – This feature allows worker access to add and manage customer groups in the worker portal. Specific on customer groups can be found here – Customer Groups
Enable Account Display Format Override – This feature controls how account numbers are displayed in the worker portal. The standard is to display the name with the account number in parenthesis. This feature allows for the addition of the division code and erp company code (when multi-company in scope) if desired. You will need to enable this option and then set the setting below with the desired format.
  • Account Display Format –  The default is to display the Name and Number. This allows you to add Division and or Company. The values need to be in {}. Example to Display all would be {name} ({company}-{division}-{num})
Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Account Display
Show Invoices In Menu – This feature cotrols if workers can see Invoices in the CRM workspace.
  • Show Grand Totals Section on Invoice Aging Page – This turns on the display for a summary of the aging for all accounts displayed at the bottom of the page.
  • Show Invoice Number as link on Sales Orders page? – Use this option to control whether the Invoice Number on the Sales Orders page links to the Invoice Detail page for that invoice number.
  • Show Invoice Number as link on Shipments page? – Use this option to control whether the Invoice Number on the Shipments page links to the Invoice Detail page for that invoice number.
Optional Software Bundles Starter Customer Portal w/ CRM & Content Workspaces (ARP) Invoice Features
Show IP Address Block Settings – This enables the screens to add IP address blocking. Once the IP addresses are added any new sessions created will be impacted. Details on IP address blocking can be found here –  IP Address Blocking in the Worker Portal
Show Orders & Shipments in Menu – This feature controls whether workers can see sales orders and shipments in the CRM workspace.
Show Payments & Credits in Menu – This feature controls whether workers can see payments and credits
View Statistics – This feature turns on the worker Sales Statistic display in the Worker CRM Workspace

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