The Project Manager Role


The Project Manager is responsible for delivering the project goal (scope) on time and on budget.

Key Responsibilities

Lots of industry knowledge and resources exist defining the responsibilities of a Project Manager.  This is a quick recap of some of the key “must haves” to have success on any sized CIM-related project.

  • Has a clearly written project goal
  • Creates and manages/updates a written plan (i.e. tasks / work) to hit that goal
  • Lines up the resources they need to work the plan
  • Keeps the project running on time
  • Keeps the project on budget
  • Addresses any issues that come up (by parking them or turning them into tasks in the plan)
  • Manages changes (to the scope, timeline, and budget)
  • Routinely communicates with the Program Manager and other key stakeholders on the project status and risks.

Reference Information

3 Steps to Set Up Your Project

The 3 Steps to Set Up Your Project article helps you understand the basics of setting up a project for success.

Check-in Calls (Meetings) For Success

This Establish Your First (Next) Check-in Call article walks through a simple approach (by always have a next call and deadlines) to keep your team on track and accountable.

One of the Big 3 Most Critical Roles

The Lead Project Manager is one of the “Big 3” most critical roles that needs to be filled to have success with any CIM-related project (or your overall program).

There Should Be Only One Lead

This Lead Project Manager role should be filled by 1 and only 1 person.  Two or more people sharing this role = no-one in this role.

Time Commitment

The typical time commitment varies by project. It is medium for a new CIMcloud implementation project (or a Classic-to-Current migration project.  It is typically small for Software Bundle upgrade projects.

Project Manager Onboarding Checklist

The following checklists are used for onboarding the Project Manager.

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