Advanced B2B Portal [B]


The Advanced B2B Portal Bundle provides CIMcloud customers with an expanded feature set and level of controls within the B2B Portal portion of the CIMcloud application. In addition to the core B2B functionality included in all CIMcloud applications, this bundle is designed to accommodate B2B specific use cases that give customers (and employees) the same experience online that they would have via traditional, off-line interactions. 


Summary of Features

  • 36 Months of History
    • Provide users with visibility into an additional 12 months of order, invoice, and payment history.
  • Disable or Show Price / Add to Cart per Product (All Accounts) 
    • Allows workers to override the add to cart and/or show product pricing on a per product basis. 
      • By default all products are setup with price and add to cart options set to show, so this feature gives additional control mechanisms to drive the user experience.
  • Forced Minimum/Maximum Quantity on Products 
    • Allows you to place minimum and maximum thresholds on the amount of a specific product that can (or must) be purchased by a customer.
  • Forced Quantity Increments on Products
    • Allows you to control the quantity increments that a customer can add to cart on given products.
  • New Login and New Account (Self-Create) with Approval and ERP Round Trip
    • Allows site users to create a new account, or a new login for an existing account, with automated validation.
    • The process on the website is as follows: 
      • User creates an account: Account is set in a pending status and is unable to view website contents until approved.
      • User and worker receives email account is waiting on approval 
      • Worker approves or rejects account in worker portal 
      • If worker approves account 
        • Account is set to enabled on website so user can access account 
        • Account data then syncs to ERP 
  • Only “Credit Card” Users Can Edit Billing Address
    • Leverages customer payment terms to restrict who can edit the accounts billing address.
  • Shopping Cart – Minimum Dollar Amount at Checkout
    • Creates a checkout restriction where a user can only place an order that exceeds the minimum dollar amount required to checkout


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