API Health Checks
The CIMcloud API supports the following health checks for our API Framework to monitor status of the API, as well as validate authentication.
Description: No authentication token needed, allows you to check the status of the API layer to determine if the API layer is down or running.
HTTP Method: GET
Endpoint: https://api.cimcloud.com/{sitename}/healthcheck/canary
Successful Response:
{ "status": "Running" }
Description: Requires the Authentication Bearer Token to be passed. Similar to the canary, but allows you to verify the token is still available.
HTTP Method: GET
Endpoint: https://api.cimcloud.com/{sitename}/healthcheck
Successful Response:
{ "status": "Running", "productionDatabase": "XXXXX", "apiVersionNumber": "X.X.master-XX", "databaeConnection": true, "usingStagingDB": "false", "databaseConnectionError": "" }
Description: Returns a 200 if the authentication is valid passing either the Bearer Token or Basic Authorization credentials
HTTP Method: GET
Endpoint: https://api.cimcloud.com/{sitename}/validate
Successful Response: 200
Unsuccessful Response: 401