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  4. ERP Bi-Directional Sync Demo Videos (Sage 100)

ERP Bi-Directional Sync Demo Videos (Sage 100)


This article provides an overview and demo videos of the how the CIMcloud Sync Tool moves data near-real-time between the CIMcloud Platform and your ERP / Accounting system.  The video demos the CIMcloud platform syncing with a Sage 100 ERP system (as an example) and covers the following:

  • Product and Pricing Edits in Sage 100 Sync to CIMcloud Catalog
    • Editing a product and it’s customer specific pricing and seeing it update the CIMcloud product catalog for a logged in B2B customer.
  • Order Placed in CIMcloud, Synced to Sage 100, Edited in Sage and Synced to CIMcloud
    • Adding a product to the cart, checking out and placing the order, and seeing that order after it synced into Sage 100.
    • Editing the order in Sage 100 and seeing the edits sync to the CIMcloud order tracking for the logged in customer.
  • Order Fulfillment in Sage 100 and Order, Shipment, and Invoice Synced to CIMcloud
    • The order is fulfilled in Sage, including adding shipment tracking data.
    • The nightly invoice process is run in Sage (which triggers the sync), and you see the order completed in CIMcloud with the corresponding shipment tracking data and open invoice.
  • Open Invoice Paid in CIMcloud and Cash Receipts Sync to Sage 100
    • Going to manage invoices in CIMcloud, seeing the invoice, clicking to pay it.
    • Seeing the pay invoice process including payment methods (ACH and CC)
    • Making the invoice payment, getting a confirmation email.
    • Seeing that invoice payment synced into Sage 100 as a cash receipt.

Demo Videos (CIMcloud to Sage 100 Sync)

All of the below demonstration videos are showing data syncing between a CIMcloud demo site (running our standard platform and ERP sync) and a Sage 100 ERP system.

Product and Pricing Edits in Sage 100 Sync to CIMcloud Catalog

Order Placed in CIMcloud, Sync to Sage 100, Edited in Sage

Fulfillment in Sage 100 and Order, Shipment, and Invoice Sync to CIMcloud

Open Invoice Paid in CIMcloud and Cash Receipts Sync to Sage 100


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