House Contacts


A “House Contact” is an automatically generated contact for each account in your CIMcloud Worker Portal.  For a refresher on accounts, contacts, and other terminology within the CRM Workspace, see Customers Term & Features.

The house contact exists so that workers can impersonate and take action (like place an order, pay an invoice online, etc.) on behalf of an account, without having to impersonate and potentially disrupt a real user’s contact.

For more information on impersonating a customer, see  Impersonating a Login.


Why do I see so many “house contacts” in my Worker Portal?

House contacts are automatically created for every account.  A data move process runs on a scheduled interval creating house contacts for any account where one does not exist.

Should my customers use the house contact?

We recommend that house contacts are only used by workers.  We do not recommend editing a house contact and providing it to your customer to use.  Instead, they should create their own contact.

Why do my house contacts not have email addresses set?

When created, the house contact will have the email address from the account.  In some cases, the account does not have an email address.  When a worker impersonates a house contact and places an order, they can enter/update the email address as needed (you may want to enter the customer’s email address you are placing the order for, or you may want the confirmation email going to yourself or another internal email address).


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