Create Contacts

The following is a step-by-step process for creating Contacts within the CIMcloud platform:

  1. Select the CRM Workspace icon from the menu bar
  2. Select the Contacts task from the Customers drop-down menu
  3. Select the “+” next to the link or the + Add Contact button at the top of the page to add a contact
    1. The required fields on the form are indicated by an asterisk after the field label
    2. Account Information determines which account data the contact will be able to access
  4. If the password is temporary, set Force user to change the password on next login to yes

Contacts exist only on the platform and are not synchronized to or from the ERP software. Multiple contacts may be assigned to one account. Contact user names must be unique on the platform (i.e. the same username cannot be used on multiple accounts).

Upon completion, users can log in, view data, and enter transactions for the assigned account.

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