Customers Term & Features


This article provides an overview of the Customers section of the CRM Workspace. 

In this article, we provide an overview of these features:

  • Accounts
  • Contacts
  • Addresses
  • Credit Cards
  • Shipping Accounts
  • Favorites Lists
  • Saved Searches
  • UN/PW requests

CIMcloud’s Terminology for “Customers”

For context, we call your customers “Accounts” in CIMcloud.  This is true whether you sell to individual consumers or companies.  The person or people that you interact with at those accounts are called “Contacts” in CIMcloud.  The physical location or locations that your customers have are called “Shipping Addresses” in CIMcloud.

The customers in the CIMcloud platform consist of an Account, which typically corresponds 1-1 with a customer in your ERP / accounting system, one or more Contacts, one or more Addresses (also referenced to as Shipping Addresses), all of the associated transaction data (like orders, shipments, invoices, payments, credits, etc), and all of the associated wallet-style data (like saved credit cards, favorites lists, saved carts, shipping accounts, etc).

Features in the Customers Section


Accounts in CIMcloud are the top level grouping of Contacts. Accounts are synced to the CIMcloud application from the ERP system integrated with CIMcloud (B2B), or created during the checkout process (Retail/B2C). 

Note – Account Creation can be supported on CIMcloud for B2B use cases as well.

The Account contains the Billing information from the ERP system, typically synced to CIMcloud from the Customer data in the ERP. Ship to address, tax settings, pricing, invoices, and sales order history are all associated with the website Account.

[Contacts], and [CIMcloud Customer Logins], are associated with an Account, and inherit all of the data from the Account.


Contacts are the people who are associated with an Account. Some of the Contacts are users of CIMclound and have a user login. Others are only contacts and may not use the CIMcloud application.


Addresses are synced to CIMcloud from your ERP system, and can also be created on CIMcloud by Workers or Contacts. Addresses are used as the Ship To Address on orders placed for the Account in CIMcloud.

Credit Cards

Credit Cards are stored securely on CIMcloud. Workers and Contacts can create credit card on the website during the cart checkout or invoice payment process. 

Note – the saving of Credit Cards can be disabled, allowing the Customer to order on Invoice/Bill Me terms, or to use an alternate payment method such as PayPal. If a Credit Card is used then the secure credit card vaulting process must be used.

Shipping Accounts

Shipping Accounts are 3rd party shipping accounts created by Customers during the checkout process. Typically used for B2B ecommerce, the Shipping Account information is provided by the Customer for use when billing shipping charges for an order. This information is synced to the ERP system with the web order data. 

Favorites Lists

Favorites Lists are groups of products saved to a named list. Favorites Lists can be created by a CIMcloud Worker or Customer Contact. Favorites Lists allow customers to save products they order frequently for easy reference and reordering. Favorites Lists can be shared with the Customers Account, or kept private and only visible by the Customer who created it.

Saved Searches

Saved Searches allow users of the CIMcloud application to save a custom search result on most data grid view pages. The Saved Searches section allows the worker to view the searches contacts have created.

Username / Password Request

The Username / Password Request section displays a log of all username or password reset requests made on the CIMcloud application. CIMcloud Workers can view the blocked status of a specific IP Address, Username, or Email address and can unblock them as needed.


Manage Accounts

Manage Contacts

Manage Shipping Accounts

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