Step-by-Step Process:
The basic product catalog is created by the initial import of products to the website from the ERP software, by the CIMcloud sync tool.
Sage 100 fields from CI_Item |
itemcode AS sku |
ProductLine |
SuggestedRetailPrice |
pricecode AS product_class |
ShipWeight |
StandardUnitCost |
ProductType |
PriceCode |
SalesPromotionDiscountPercent |
SalesPromotionPrice |
SaleMethod |
SaleStartingDate |
saleendingdate |
StandardUnitPrice as retail_price |
AllowTradeDiscount |
StandardUnitOfMeasure |
SalesUMConvFctr |
SalesUnitOfMeasure |
taxclass |
The actual content will vary somewhat depending on the fields selected for importing.
To access the products in your CIMcloud platform navigate to the Product Workspace (Second menu of the black bar to the far left) and open the menu for Product Catalog. From there select the Products page and when the table loads use the ‘edit’ action to access a product’s information. Note the following fields are required for a product record and are the minimum for the basic product catalog:
- Display Online
- Name
The name field functions as the link for accessing the product detail page from the combined (category) search results page. If the name is not imported from the ERP software, names must be manually populated in the Product Workspace.
In addition to these required fields, the following ERP data is commonly imported:
- Retail Price
- Suggested Retail Price
- Tax Class
Your customer’s view of the website with the basic product catalog configured would be similar to the example shown at the right.