Adding and Updating Products


In the Worker Portal a worker can add or modify an existing product.  This is mostly used for parent products, as child products are typically imported to the website directly from the ERP system.

Step-by-Step Process:

To add a new product or modify the data on an existing product, in the Worker Portal, navigate to:

Product Workspace →  Product Catalog →  Products 

This link will bring the worker to the Manage Products page.  Here, the worker can view all products that have been added to the CIMcloud Application.  The search bar at the top can be used to filter this page to show the relevant product(s) the worker would like to view. To edit an existing product, simply click the ‘Edit’ link under the Actions column.

To add a new product, click the ‘+’ icon next to the Products link.

After clicking the ‘Edit’ link or the ‘+’ link, the worker will be brought to the Product Add/Edit page. Here the worker can add a new product or modify the data on an existing product:

  • General Information

    • Display Online
      • This configuration is used to determine whether the product is shown on the website or not.  Select ‘Yes’ to show the product on the website and ‘No’ to hide the product.
      • Designates whether or not the product is a featured product.  This will show the product in the ‘Featured Products’ section on pages that have this section enabled.
    • Include in Search Results 
      • Determines whether or not the product will be shown when a user searches for products.  Select ‘Yes’ to show the product in the search results and ‘No’ to hide the product from search results. 
    • SKU 
      • A unique identifier for the product.  It is best to use only numbers, letters, and the hyphen with no spaces.  There is a 32 character limit to this field. 
    • Name 
      • The name of the product that will be shown to users when viewing the product in the CIMcloud Application.
    • Description 
      • Explanation or the product properties, advantages, etc.  This field can be text or HTML. It has a limit of 8,000 characters.
    • Order By 
      • Sets the order of display on the category pages in the CIMcloud Application.  
  • Categories

    • Available / Selected Categories 
      • Here the categories that the product falls under are selected.  To add the product to categories, simply select the category from the list under ‘Available Categories’ and press the ‘+’ icon.  To remove a product from a category, select the desired category to remove under ‘Selected Categories’ and press the ‘-‘ icon.
    • The Suggested / Related Products configuration determines the products that are shown in the ‘Suggested / Related Products’ section on this product’s page in the CIMcloud Application. To add a suggested product, search for a SKU and then press the ‘+’ icon below.  To remove a suggested product, select the product in the ‘Selected Products’ section and press the ‘-‘ icon.
  • Search Fields

    • Search fields are used to filter the search results in the CIMcloud Application.  More information can be found here.
  • Pricing 

    • Class
      • A identifier for the product that is used for pricing control.
    • Retail Price 
      • This is the price that is displayed in the CIMcloud Application
    • Suggested Retail Price 
      • An optional configuration, but if the Suggested Retail Price is set, it is used only to calculate the customer’s savings.
    • Apply Trade Discount 
      • Used to determine whether this product uses a trade discount.  Select ‘Yes’ if it does and ‘No’ if it does not.
    • Cost 
      • The cost of the product.  Used internally to determine profit margin.  
  • Shipping Settings

    • Weight 
      • The weight of the product.  This configuration is used to determine shipping costs when applicable. 
  • Tax Settings

    • Tax Class 
      • The tax class of the product chosen from the droplist of available Tax Classes
  • Parent-Child Settings 

    • Relationship Type 
      • This configuration determines whether the product is a parent product, child product, or a stand-alone product (choosing the ‘None’ value).
    • Child Product Display Type 
      • Determines the way the child products are displayed when viewing the product in the CIMcloud Application.  
        • Input Qty View (DDT): Will show the child products in a table that allows for mass ordering of multiple child products.
        • Droplist: Will display the child products in a series of droplists, allowing the customer to add one child product at a time.
  • Child Products

    • The Child Products section is mainly used to view the child products attached to this product.  To add a brand new child product, click the ‘Add’ link to the right.
  • Child Product Summary Info 

    • Child Prices Starting At 
      • This field determines the starting price of the child products and is used to display as ‘Price Starts At’ for the product in the CIMcloud Application
    • The other 3 fields (Child SKUs, Child Names, and Child Product Rollup Search Terms) are populated by an automated process run once a night.  These fields are for reference only and are not editable by the worker.
  • Options 

    • The options configurations are used to fill in the labels the customer will see when viewing the parent product. If the product is a child product, these fields are used to set the value for the parent product’s options.
  • Images

    • Thumbnail Image
      • Image that displays on the category and search results page.
    • Normal Image
      • The standard product image displayed on the product detail page on the CIMcloud Application
    • Large Image 
      • The image that appears when the ‘View Large’ link is clicked on the product detail page of the CIMcloud Application.
    • Image URL 
      • Used when images are not hosted in the CIMcloud Application itself.  
    • Thumbnail Title/Alt Text
      • The text that appears when you mouse over the category image on the website.
    • Normal Image Title/Alt Text
      • The text that appears when you mouse over the product image on the website. 
    • NOTE – If no alt text is entered, the Product Name is used as alt text.
  • Additional Images 

    • The Additional Images configuration allows the worker to set different views of the product.  For example, you can show the side, back, and top views of the product.  These images display below the main product image in the CIMcloud Application.  Typically, these images come in in pairs (a small and large image) for when the small image is clicked, the large image is then displayed.
      • Small Image
        • Select the small image to be displayed under the product’s main image.
      • Large Image 
        • Select the larger image to be displayed when the small image is clicked by the customer. 
      • Alternate Text 
        • The text that appears when the customer hovers their mouse over the small and/or large images.
      • Selected Images 
        • Once the above configurations are set, click the ‘+’ icon to add the additional image pair.  To remove an additional image pair, select it under Selected Images and click the ‘-‘ icon.
  • Document Downloads 

    • This configuration allows the worker to associate a document with the product.  1 or more documents can be added.
        • The name displayed to the customer for the document.
      • Document/URL 
        • The document that is desired to be shown is selected here.
      • Configured 
        • The list of documents associated with the product.  To add a document, after filling in the above configuration values, click the ‘+’ icon.  To remove a document configuration, select the document configuration under ‘Configured’ and click the ‘-‘ icon.
  • Keyword Search Terms 

    • Search Terms 
      • The terms that are used when a customer searches in the CIMcloud Application.  These are typically search terms that are now found in the product’s description and are set using a space delimited list.



A product’s data is added or modified in the Worker Portal for the CIMcloud Application.



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