Release 2024.06


This article provides an overview of the changes in release 2024.06 (CIMcloud internal tag 4.11)

Release date: 6/03/2024

Updates and Fixes

  • Adds Feature Toggles and Settings for RMAs. This requires the RMA Bundle to be in scope. There are both Workspace Settings for what displays in the worker portal and Application Settings for what shows to users on the sitefront.

Product Releases Release 2024.06 Rma Settings

  • Updates mgr_product_ae.asp page to toggle exploded view diagram specific fields (position letter, quantity and notes) when that display type is selected. Previously these extra fields showed even if the Exploded View Feature was not enabled.

Product Releases Release 2024.06 Exploded View Setting

  • Adds conversation log history UI to view order detail – This allows workers with access to see the conversation logs for completed orders. Conversation logs for an order are available when you view the order from the Online Orders page and click on the Order Number. Conversation logs can be enabled as part of several bundle features including CRM and Supervisor Approval.

Product Releases Release 2024.06 View Conversation Log

  • Adds support for collecting a list of emails to be CCed on a specific order. The email input field displays based on a new setting on the Order Action called show_order_cc_email and posts to a new field on the order header called order_cc_email. Updates Order Confirmation email and quote notification email to pull the new orders.order_cc_email field as order_specific_cc use the <order_specific_cc> tag in the cc_addresses field. NOTE: Currently CIMcloud needs to enable the field on the different order actions. If you want this field to show, please enter a ticket with the workflows you want this to show for.

Product Releases Release 2024.06 Order Specific Cc

  • Adds Gallery/List View toggle to Bulk Add to Cart when using Browse/Search from check out, using Bulk Add to Cart, or editing a shipment at checkout.

Product Releases Release 2024.06 Browse Search

Product Releases Release 2024.06 View Toggle Batc

  • Adds support for faceted search when adding products from the “Browse/Search” option on payment.asp. This is controlled by a New Setting under faceted search – “Use Faceted Search when browsing for products from checkout?

Product Releases Release 2024.06 Faceted Batc

  • Adds message explaining why the username and account cannot be edited when editing a House user on contact_edit.asp

Product Releases Release 2024.06 House Contact Message

Universal Search Updates

This is for worker portal searching so you can go directly to Online Orders or Products using the search bar at the top of the worker portal.

  • Updates “Orders” label, for sales_orders.asp, to be “Sales Order History”.
  • Adds “Products” search to worker portal using mgr_products_man.asp. This option shows when the worker has access to the Product Workspace.
  • Adds “Online Orders” search to B2B portal and Worker Portal using mgr_manage_orders.asp.

Product Releases Release 2024.06 Usearch Products Wp



Product Releases Release 2024.06 Usearch Onlineorders Wp

Product Discount Display during Checkout

This update fixes some display issues with Customer Discounts. A previously created feature allows for showing customer discounts broken out or not during the checkout process. This makes updates for consistency. This does not control the application of customer trade discounts just the display. In both cases the product pages show the product price with the discount applied. With the feature off during the checkout process the discount is broken out to show it separately and the product at full price. With the feature on the discount just stays part of the product price. The screenshots below show the same product with the feature on and off. For Sage100 when orders with a trade discount are imported the product must from in at full price and Sage applies the discount rom the customer record.

  • Updates GLOBAL_SHOW_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT option so it impacts the showcart page and confirmation email as well as the payment page.
  • Updates the following options from payment page specific to globals so they can be shared across the checkout pages.

Feature Disabled (Discounts broken out)

Product Releases Release 2024.06 Discounts Displayed


Feature Enabled (Discounts stay in product price)

Product Releases Release 2024.06 Discounts Not Broken Out

4.11.1  – Release Date 6/19/2024

  • Mobile styling clean up for showcart page, “leave checkout” modal, and “dupe user check” modal.
  • Updates payment page to check Login / Session status on ajax responses and redirect to login form when not valid.
  • Updates to allow script tags in legacy HTML editor (tinymce).
  • Updates the following pages to clear quantity inputs after adding to cart.
    • products_invoiced_detail.asp
    • products_invoiced_report.asp
    • product_history_detail.asp
    • product_history_report.asp
  • Fixes issue with Promo Notifications Bar covering the Add to Cart submit button on DDT pages.
  • Moves Search Service feature from Dev Tools to Settings Workspace. [EvolveScript]
  • Fixes issue with GLOBAL_SITE_CHARSET not applying properly when caching content (category window, linksets, etc). This value is now passed in the QS on caching URLs so it can be applied when there is no session being created.
  • Fixes issue when “Customer Site > Design > Retail Footer Settings > Footer Image” didn’t display when the value contained a space
  • Moves “Settings Workspace > Ordering > Order Settings” to Dev Tools Workspace.
  • Updates “Settings Workspace > Ordering” parent link to show when “ORDER-DATE-B” Feature is enabled since it’s only child has that Right assigned.
  • Fixes Quantity Input alignment on Input Quantity View Table.
  • Fixes issue where open_invoices.asp and paid_invoices.asp no longer showed their respective statuses. These pages now default to the correct invoice status without requiring the “filter” querystring parameter.
  • Coupon discount mappings (not core supported, but used on some sites)
    • Adds two new pages for managing coupon discounts:
      • code/managerfront/mgr_coupon_discounts_ae.asp
      • code/managerfront/mgr_coupon_discounts_man.asp
    • Adds an existing table to be installed (installed in coresite db):
      • coupon_discount_map
  • Updates Google Shopping Feed so child products links go to the parent product appending childskumatch URL parameter to pre-select the child product.
  • Fixes UI issue in mgr_transaction_detail.asp that caused the response xml to overflow the div and display on top of other content.
  • Fixes CSV exports for sandbox sites
  • Fixes issue where the Browse/Search button in the payment page for Quick Add would redirect back to the payment page in the modal.
    • Underlying cause: the modal querystring variable in the modal url was getting set to True or False instead of 1 or 0
  • Fixes product quantity validation and calculation errors caused by floating point math precision.
  • Updates SQL_ID to Quotes_To_Email-00.14 for EM-QUOTE-NOTIFICATION system email datamove to resolve typo in extrafields causing emails to fail to send. [EvolveScript]
  • Fixes discount display on the showcart.asp page where it was displaying a 0 product subtotal and a negative discount.

4.11.2  – Release Date 7/17/2024

  • Fixes issue with bulk add to cart modal not using the single add to cart button.
  • Updates product_history_detail.asp to use standard Success Notification when adding to cart.
  • Updates where clause on facets for advanced tabs + moving foreach to format table correctly when drawing out
  • Fixes feature toggle option override for GLOBAL_USE_EMAIL_AS_USERNAME so that it turns the feature on instead of off.
  • Fixes incorrect type and where_applies on global options that have inconsistent values [EvolveScript]
  • Adds updated help center link to Google Ads Tracking question on Customer Sites > Analyitics Page.
  • Updates value of default_format to json on api_app_authorization_ae.asp page.
  • Fixes display issue with DDT View Type Radio buttons (used on su_invoice_details.asp page).
  • Fixes issue where Page Builder’s Product Search Component didn’t work while on the same page with the main core search form.
  • Adds support for drawing multiple search forms by adding a new method called DrawInstancedSearchForm(showDropList, Instance) where the new second parameter is used as the suffix for the u_search.asp HTML and JavaScript. This new method is not used in core yet.
  • Adds retailPrice field to Search Service index and the search config to allow sorting by the product’s retail price
    • The retailPrice on parent products will use the child_retail_price if its own retail_price is null.
    • The field is set to 0.0 if null
  • Fixes error on search results page when the ALLOW_BLANK_SEARCH option is turned off
  • Fixes issue where the payment page gets stuck in an infinite loop when the selected CCN record has a missing address field.
  • Adds help tips and info to the “customer sites” Domain section.
  • Adds Ordered By filter, group by and display on backorders.asp page when using power customers
  • Fixes issue with Page Builder “Settings” section not showing when configurating components.
  • Fixes default credit card selection on payment page
  • Fixes missing ACH selection on create_payment.asp when the page is loaded with Credit Card payment type selected, then switched to Ach
  • Fixes the ACH “no account selected” display condition
  • Fixes styling on the ACH Account selection modal to match the Credit Card selection modal
  • Hides the RYS advanced tab if search service is turned on

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