Release 2023.12


This article provides an overview of the changes in release 2023.12 (CIMcloud internal tag 4.8) – This is using a new release numbering scheme that better reflects when the the release is available. As reference using the old scheme this would have been release 2022.R1.8.

Release date: 12/06/2023

Updates and Fixes

Third-party Analytics and Conversion Tracking Updates

  • Adds new tab in customer site settings to manage third party analytics and conversion tracking. This moves some of the tracking that was previously in the general tab and adds additional tracking as noted below.

Product Releases Release 2023.12 New Analytics Tab

Payments on Credits and Invoices

This update adds new interfaces for AR Tracking for “Payments, Credits, Payments Applied, Credits Used”. This data is not available for Sage 100 but will be used on other ERPs going forward starting with Acumatica.

This includes the following new pages: * erp_payments_on_invoices_man.asp * erp_credits_on_invoices_man.asp * erp_payment_detail.asp * erp_credit_detail.asp

The following pages are deprecated and will redirect as indicated below: * su_payments_on_invoices_man.asp -> erp_payments_on_invoices_man.asp * su_credits_on_invoices_man.asp -> erp_credits_on_invoices_man.asp

OFI (Open, Fast, Integrated) Project Updates

  • Built a UI to review changes to Site Settings, which can be found under System-Wide Settings -> Settings Change Logs
    • What this tracks:
      • Features changed in Application Settings, Workspace Settings, Customer Sites, Worker Groups and Customer Groups
      • Template Override changes
    • UI Updates:
      • New Navigation Link in the Worker Portal to view all changes
      • New button to view filtered changes on Application Settings, Workspace Settings, Customer Sites, Worker Groups and Customer Groups
        • Located at the top of the viewed page titled “Change Logs”
      • New Version Control for changes made to header/footer code via:
        • Customer Sites -> Advanced
        • Workspace Settings -> Advanced
        • Any records triggered with the “Customize” badge

Product Releases Release 2023.12 Settings Change Logs

  • Modified Site Info Badge in the Lower Left
    • Adds Core Version Tag
    • Only shows the logged in username when a Cimcloud worker impersonates
  • Adds pageKey to cimcloud.helpers object
    • Documented how this can be used in:
      • {sitename}
  • Displays “Purchased Modules” interface for all Workers

Resend Email Functionality

Add a resend button to Email Log page to allow an email to be resent. This is only present if the email has successfully generated. See this article for more information on the email log page and the email process – Worker Portal – Email Log

Product Releases Release 2023.12 Resend Email

New Feature Toggles / Settings

  • Adds feature for Free Shipping on Lowest Price Method Set-Up and fixes functionality for existing feature. In bundle Advanced Shipping Price Calculation Shipping the feature Free Shipping on Lowest Price Method (double call) was not functioning  properly. This has been fixed. An additional worker feature has been added to enable fields for workers to set up this feature without enabling globally. Specifics for the feature can be found here – Free Shipping on Lowest Price Method
  • Adds new application workspace features for Show Residential Question On Address Edit on address_edit.asp. Enabling this feature in the application settings will show the residential flag field on address edit pages.

General Updates

  • Adds delete button for cart option sets and gives the user a message warning them about deleting cart option sets with products connected.
  • Adds “Object Error Logs” page to Dev Tools Workspace
  • Renames labels for ‘Ship to Countries’ to ‘Billing and Shipping Countries’ on mgr_manage_shipping_countries.asp and its associated nav link.
  • Adds max length label for child_skuschild_nameschild_ds, and child_search_term_roll-up, on the mgr_product_ae.asp page.
  • Fixes quantity restrictions through out the catalog and checkout process for basic uom (ie sales uom conversion) and fractional quantities
  • Updates payments.asp to filter by the Account on the Payment instead of the Invoice.
  • Adds support for “stacked” icons on the dashboard page by passing two icon classes separated by a semi-colon (currently only supports Font Awesome v3). This works for app_menu.json and Nav Links.
  • Fixes issue where the home_page web page catalog record’s SEO content would override the current page.
  • Fixes issue where mgr_contact_us_ae.asp tried to use the Session’s Country Key as the default value on adds.
  • Fixes issue with generating API Swagger Docs on portal sites (require signin).
  • Fixes issue where disabled products were still displayed as answers on configurator products
  • Updates configurator price display to match site settings used on other products
  • Fixes sc.o_id SQL error various DDTs when Power Customers is enabled.

Patch Releases

This section will be updated with patch releases published after this release.

4.8.2 – released 1/15/2024

  • Minor cleanup for caching UI when editing linksets and categories.
  • Adds iframe to the element options in the tinymce editor.
  • Fixes default sitemap property values in SEO settings to match the sitemap file.
  • Updates feature settings for displaying the sitemap section on add-edit pages.
  • Updates Product Detail page to handle products where Configurator AND cart options are setup in the data. If both features are enabled, Cart options will apply and override configurator.
  • Fixes Tracking XML link on addresses.asp page.
  • Removes Product ID Field from mgr_search_term_ae.asp
  • Fixes issue with data set product map count check.
  • Fixes issue where cloning dashboard links didn’t clone the icon and subtext (ds_short).
  • Fixes mobile columng priorities on the addresses.asp page so status isn’t the only column that shows on mobile.
  • Fixes isPowerUser() check to account for the AQT being set on the account or the customer.
  • Updates mgr_payment_methods_ae.asp so the payment_type field is automatically set based on the Process Payment Using value.
  • Fixes issue where two “invoice” methods with a payment type set to “billme” wouldn’t toggle the payment method on the payment page.
  • UI optimizations for DDT UI in the worker portal.
  • Fixes issue where frequently_ordered_products.asp was incorrectly using Search Service due to a misconfigured page type value causing the product results to not be filtered.
  • Fixes issue where the static pages View link on the manage page incorrectly used to worker domain
  • Adds order_detail_num to the Line Item sort order on the payment page to make it match the showcart and confirmation email.
  • Fixes issue saving new Analytics tab on Customer Site Edit page.

4.8.1 – released 12/14/2023

  • Fixes issue with duplicate skus showing on products_invoiced_report.asp
  • Fixes Add to Cart Success “Toast” message when using the quick add modal.
  • Fixes typo in Account Display Format feature setting help tip.
  • Removes Qty in Stock field from add-edit products page and option that wrapped it, SHOW_PRODUCT_QTY_OLD_IDP
  • Fixes issue where using the “leave checkout” button in focus mode as a guest user left an invalid SHA_ID on the order records.
  • Fixes IDP message display on Configurator with Droplist questions that use products.
  • Moves RemoveHTML ASP Function to Global_Functions.asp
  • Adds ref_id to mgradmin_manage_questions.asp page.
  • Fixes Customer / Worker Groups Multi-Input saving on account_edit.asp
  • Fixes Feature Names for “Free Shipping” features.
  • Updates “Download CSV” on product_stock_ddt.asp to use retail_price when viewing from the worker portal.
  • Fixes timeout on quotes.asp page in certain datasets. Replaces CROSS APPLY to check for line items with a searchin.
  • Fixes issue where Enterprise TMS (Freightview) section would show as open even when not checked on the Shipping Settings page.
  • Updates erp_invoice_detail.asp to use the “Show Payments & Credits” feature to control when the payments DDT displays.
  • Fixes issue where “Settings Change Logs” were not being saved.
  • Fixes data type on UserConfiguration TEXT fields so that other migrations succeed that expect them to be nvarchar(max) [repeat evolve script]
  • Fixes issue where some data sets would not apply to a session when the list of data set keys is longer than 4000 characters. This would occur when attempting to map more than 125 data sets to a session.

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