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Technical Support – Severity Levels


This article explains the CIMcloud by Website Pipeline ticket severity classifications and response times for each classification.

Website issues are classified by severity level based on who is impacted by the issue and the consequences of not resolving the issue.

Severity Levels

Severity Level 1 (highest priority)


Limited to issues that prevent all end users from being able to place orders on a website or prevent all orders from being imported into the ERP.

Client Action

Submit a Support Ticket and call our office at 864-272-4000 or toll free at (800) 266-3579.

CIMcloud Response

Immediate action will be taken to resolve the issue upon receipt of an Extranet ticket. If immediate resolution is not practical, we will make every reasonable effort to create a viable workaround to lower the severity level of the issue. CIMcloud will provide regular updates on next steps for resolution through Extranet, e-mails, or phone calls. We commit to take immediate action to identify and resolve the issue as soon as a ticket or phone call is received. If a full, immediate resolution is not practical, we will take commercially reasonable efforts to partially resolve the issue and create a temporary workaround to lower the severity level of the issue. CIMcloud will also provide regular communications through the ticketing system, emails, or phone calls to keep you informed on the progress of the full resolution.

Severity Level 2 (secondary priority)


Issues that:

  • a) Result in the site operating in a degraded state (but still allowing orders to be placed) for all end users of the website
  • b) Issues that stop some, but not all end users from being able to place orders
  • c) Issues associated with order data flow between the website and third party systems (i.e. ERP systems).

Client Action

Submit a Support Ticket

CIMcloud Response

We commit to work to identify and resolve the issue within 2 business days. If a full resolution is not practical, CIMcloud will take commercially reasonable efforts to partially resolve the issue and create a temporary workaround to lower the impact of the issue. CIMcloud will also provide regular communications through the ticketing system, emails, or phone calls to keep you informed of the progress toward full resolution.

Severity Level 3 (lowest priority)


Issues that:

  • a) Result in a site operating in a degraded state for the website administrator (this includes any issues with the web driver control panel)
  • b) Issues associated with non-order data flow between the website and third party systems (i.e. ERP systems).

Client Action

Submit a Support Ticket

CIMcloud Response

We commit to work to identify and resolve the issue within 7 business days. If a full resolution is not practical within that time frame, CIMcloud will take commercially reasonable efforts to partially resolve the issue and create a temporary workaround to lower the impact of the issue. CIMcloud will also provide regular communications through the ticketing system, emails, or phone calls to keep you informed of the progress toward full resolution.

Severity Level 4 (general questions)


Issues that relate to general questions about functionality, training requests, or documentation.

Client Action

Submit a Support Ticket

CIMcloud Response

Identify and resolve the issue within 10 business days. If a full resolution is not practical within that time frame, CIMcloud will take commercially reasonable efforts to partially resolve the issue and create a temporary workaround to lower the impact of the issue. CIMcloud will also provide regular communications through the ticketing system, emails, or phone calls to keep you informed of the progress toward full resolution.

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